MC Club logo

guaranteed prize

€ 235.00

By Olivia Smith




Katherine Pitre

USA, New York


12 designers / 41 designs


What client do and his target audience

We're a group of first responders (primarily volunteer firefighters) in the New York City area of Nassau County (Long Island) and we've reformed under a new name. We're looking for a single-patch logo for our vests; we plan on copywriting it, as well.We are NOT a 1% Club. The new club name is Fighters of Fire MC. New York. I've attached a pic of what our inspiration is...along with a hand-drawn pic of what we're looking for.

Visual style

We'd like the logo to include:-In place of the Seabees logo, a Maltese cross (fire dept logo) between the rockersin the center of that a front tire of a touring bike (Road King, Street Glide or Ultra).-Behind the cross 2 flags crossed (The American Flag and a Fire dept flag).- The upper and lower rockers equal in size and in white on a black background with gold or red piping around

Contest deliverables

We'd like the PSD files, as well.

top level

Katherine Pitre

New York, USA

For me, design is a way to make the world a little better and people's lives a little easier.

Certificates:Web design


Member since: Jul-2022