Design an intuitive, upmarket food delivery app

guaranteed prize

€ 650.00

By Alex Gonsales



Joseph B. Leath

USA, New York


12 designers / 41 designs


What client do and his target audience

We are a high end restaurant delivery service. Think UberEATS except less $2 fast food burgers, and more $50 steaks. We work with your favorite hole-in-the-walls, and the small mom and pops, along with high end restaurants. The app allows customers to enter their delivery address, select a restaurant, select the items they want delivered, and track the order as it makes its way to their home.

Visual style

Style/theme ideas Minimalist design is nice. We like the idea of allowing users to get through the ordering process with ease. The user should not have to think. If its an existing user they should be able to order their “usual” with ease.

Contest deliverables

Screen quality. You will be required to provide either a PNG or a JPG file. Please check with the client to see if they have a preference.

top level

Joseph B. Leath

New York, USA

Howdy, I'm Joseph, and I'm all about interface design. I've got loads of experience in developing mobile applications, so don't hesitate to shoot me any questions you have. I'm here to help!

Certificates:Web design,Graphic design,iOS Guidelines


Member since: Apr-2020